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SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT: Maria Martin de Almagro Iniesta on “Climate Change is Sexist” Advocacy Event
Women are underrepresented in climate discussions and negotiations, despite being significantly affected by the effects of climate change. Let’s come together to raise awareness and drive change!
EVENT: Negotiating Gender in Fragile and Conflict- Affected Settings
Resilience and Fragility in Action ( REFRACT) project. The café brings together leading experts to explore critical issues at the intersection of gender, security, and peacebuilding in some of the most challenging fragile and conflict-affected regions
Opinion Piece: How the world keeps failing eastern DRC
Old ‘peace-building’ schemes are obsolete in a country that is seeing new and ever-changing political and conflict dynamics.
Research Presentation: Conflict-induced urban transformations
“This event will bring together urban planners, policymakers, and practitioners from around the globe to exchange ideas and showcase innovative approaches to urban development.
Publication: Can some sort of Donbas and Transnistria separatism happen in Kazakhstan?
A look at (potential) enhancers and impediments.
CRG Book Launches: The Natural Border: Bounding Migrant Farmwork in the Black Mediterranean.
The Natural Border tells the recent history of Mediterranean rural capitalism from the perspective of marginalized Black African farm workers.
New Publication: River Sand Commodity Chains in Ethiopia: Governance, Stakeholders, and Socio-Ecological Implications
The report explores the stakeholders involved, governance structures, and socio- ecological impacts of sand mining in the Alage and Sankura districts of Ethiopia.
PhD Defence: The logics of camp historicity in Uganda’s Nakivale refugee settlement
Coloniality, Sanctuary, and 'the national order of things'.
New article: Conflits à l’Est du Congo, repenser la centralité des minerais
Rethinking the centrality of minerals for conflicts in the DRC, this article is part of a special issue in Alternatives Sud on the reproduction of predations in Congo.
New article: Rural Radicalism and the Tactic of Third-Party Leverage
How Acholi Peasants Drew a UN Agency into Their Struggle against Land-Grabbing by the Ugandan State