The Conflict Research Group (CRG) is a multidisciplinary research unit at the Department of Conflict and Development Studies, Ghent University (Faculty of Political and Social Sciences). It studies the micro-level dynamics of civil conflict and political violence and brings together close to 40 researchers.

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CRG celebrated its 20 years of existence in 2022. It was founded with the aim of providing grounded analyses of the local dynamics of civil conflicts as they unfold.

Rather than analyzing what explains the beginning of such conflicts and what is needed to prevent them, we look at the larger social dynamics of which they are part. To that end, we conduct long-term field research drawing mostly on qualitative research methods in a variety of locations around the world.

Our Research

Our research is structured around four main clusters: Spaces of conflict: offers a spatial approach to the study of dynamics of violence, war and peace, Contested resources: focuses on the politicization of contested resource access, Armed politics: analyzes the different political actors, processes and outcomes of armed mobilization and Interventions: studies the practice, legitimization, implementation, and consequences of international interventions.

This thematic cluster analyzes the different political actors, processes and outcomes of armed mobilization.

This thematic cluster of CRG Ghent University offers a spatial approach to the study of dynamics of violence, war and peace.

This thematic cluster brings together projects that study the practice, legitimization, implementation, and consequences of international interventions.

This thematic cluster of Ghent University’s Conflict Research Group (CRG) focuses on the politicization of contested resource access.