Events CALL FOR APPLICATION: Rural Futures ‘Governance at the edge of the State’ (GOVEDSTA) Summer School30-07-2023This Summer School addresses the question of rural futures ‘at the edge of the state’ from a planetary perspective. Register SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT: Maria Martin de Almagro Iniesta on “Climate Change is Sexist” Advocacy Event26-11-24Women are underrepresented in climate discussions and negotiations, despite being significantly affected by the effects of climate change. Let’s come together to raise awareness and drive change! Register EVENT: Negotiating Gender in Fragile and Conflict- Affected Settings19-11-24Resilience and Fragility in Action ( REFRACT) project. The café brings together leading experts to explore critical issues at the intersection of gender, security, and peacebuilding in some of the most challenging fragile and conflict-affected regions Register Past Events Research Presentation: Conflict-induced urban transformations15-09-2023“This event will bring together urban planners, policymakers, and practitioners from around the globe to exchange ideas and showcase innovative approaches to urban development. Feature:Research on local communities’ resilience when climate change sparks conflict20-03-24" International organizations such as the UN, EU, and OECD have highlighted the intensified connection between environmental change and conflict. Rapid environmental changes have severe consequences for countries at war or in post-conflict phases" Workshop: The political economy and governance of river sand commodity chains in Ethiopia07-05-24The workshop highlighted the governance of river sand commodity chains in Ethiopia to reduce the socio-ecological implications of sand extraction and ensure sustainability.