Jeroen Adam

Jeroen Adam holds an MA in Contemporary History and an MA in Conflict and Development Studies at Ghent University. Between 2004-2010 he worked as a teaching assistant at the department of Conflict and Development Studies, Ghent University. Within that capacity he submitted his PhD in 2009 on dynamics of conflict, internal displacement and land access in Ambon, eastern Indonesia. Post-doc research, starting in 2010 has focused on questions of violent conflict and land contestation in the Philippines. Between 2013 and 2016, research has been conducted for the JSRP consortium on dynamics of violence and peacebuilding in Muslim Mindanao. Subsequent projects include, amongst others, 2 Vlir-Uos projects on human rights in the Philippines (2018-2022) and the supervision over several PhD projects on land contestation in Mindanao. In October 2020, Jeroen Adam has taken a 2-year leave of absence from academia to work at ILVO to coordinate the research component of a H2020 project on wellbeing among farmers in Europe called Farmwell. In 2022, Jeroen Adam resumed his activities at the department of Conflict and Development focusing his research on questions of land access and rural transformations.

Roundtable: Gentse Gronden’-sessie: Grond is Landbouw

Jeroen Adam moderates a roundtable on city of Ghent-owned land and farming.

New media contribution: Waarom voeren landbouwers actie?

Interview for Radio 1 'De Wereld Vadaag" on farmer's protests in Belgium.

Book Launch: Gender and Citizenship in Transitional Justice by Sanne Weber

In this book talk on 23 January (12:30) , Sanne will describe what gender-sensitive peace and justice looks like for those supposed to benefit from these processes, based on fieldwork in two locations on Colombia’s Caribbean Coast.

Rights2LIFE: Towards a Responsive Criminal Justice System in the Philippines

Through research and education, this project aims to test the viability and further enforcement of a Responsive Criminal Justice in the Philippines.

Representations of Violence in Literature and Other Media

This doctoral school aims to critically reflect on the concept of violence and provide insight into its literary and media representations.

Current research projects:

Rights2LIFE: Towards a Responsive Criminal Justice System in the Philippines

Through research and education, this project aims to test the viability and further enforcement of a Responsive Criminal Justice in the Philippines.

Representations of Violence in Literature and Other Media

This doctoral school aims to critically reflect on the concept of violence and provide insight into its literary and media representations.
