Christoph Vogel

Christoph Vogel’s work is perched at the intersection of political anthropology, critical geography, and the sociology of conflicts, with a specific interest in the ethics and methods of complex fieldwork. Driven by curiosity about conflict, ambiguity, and liminality, he has been investigating dynamics of violence, politics, mobilization and trade in the African Great Lakes region for the past 15 years. Other than being the Research Director for the CRG’s Insecure Livelihoods Series, Christoph is a co-founder of the Ebuteli Research Institute, the Congo-based partner organisation of the Congo Research Group at NYU and leads, a platform for open-access publishing, decolonial consulting and current affairs analysis. A former UN Security Council expert on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Christoph regular comments on Central African issues for BBC, RFI, Reuters and other media.

Opinion Piece: How the world keeps failing eastern DRC

Old ‘peace-building’ schemes are obsolete in a country that is seeing new and ever-changing political and conflict dynamics.

BOOK REVIEW by Christoph Vogel

Disrupted Development in the Congo: The Fragile Foundations of the African Mining Consensus. Author: Ben Radley Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023, 224 pp., ISBN: 9780192849052 (hardback); ISBN: 9780191944321 (e-book)

New Publication: Xerox soldiers, YouTube commanders and Twitter brigades: information warfare in eastern Congo

The article argues that information warfare amplifies with the advent of social media.

New Publication: Conflit, Coltan, Cliché?

French edition of Christoph Vogel's book on conflict minerals and white saviourism out soon with Goma-based Editions Mlimani.

Roundtable: Understanding ongoing conflict in North Kivu

A Conversation on Forgotten Struggles, Challenges and Prospects

New media contribution: Retrait de la Monusco de RDC

Interview for rfi on the gradual withdrawal of the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Monusco.

New media contribution: L’accord UE-Rwanda: Regards croisés sur les enjeux régionaux et internationaux

Interview for on the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the European Union and Rwanda on sustainable value chains for raw materials.

New media contribution: Nord-Kivu: regain d’affrontements entre M23 et groupes armés locaux (Radio Okapi)

Christoph Vogel discusses the recent involvement of local armed groups against the M23 on Radio Okapi.

Utafiti ya Amani

Security dynamics in the eastern Congo are shifting rapidly. In April 2021, a new government was sworn in with a program that outlines its priorities for peacebuilding in the eastern Congo.

Rebels in Space

The study of violent conflict in the post-colonial world has burgeoned in recent decades and finds increasing interdisciplinary traction. This triggered new literature conceptualising contemporary conflict and focusing on an array of case studies and themes.

Current research projects:

Utafiti ya Amani

Security dynamics in the eastern Congo are shifting rapidly. In April 2021, a new government was sworn in with a program that outlines its priorities for peacebuilding in the eastern Congo.

Rebels in Space

The study of violent conflict in the post-colonial world has burgeoned in recent decades and finds increasing interdisciplinary traction. This triggered new literature conceptualising contemporary conflict and focusing on an array of case studies and themes.

Insecure Livelihoods Series

If we can draw one overarching policy implication from the Congo wars, it is the growing disconnect between the existing international conflict response toolkit and the complexity of violent conflict on the ground.
