Ananeza P. Aban
Angging is currently a PhD Researcher of the Department of Conflict and Development Studies and a recipient of the Special Research Fund (BOF) doctoral scholarship. She also serves as a Senior Research Analyst of the University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies Program on Alternative Development (UP CIDS AltDev). Among her major tasks were coordinating the field research across Southeast Asia, co-editing the Alternative Practices monograph series (2020, 2023), and ensuring the international linkages of the Program. She finished her Master of Community Development degree from the University of the Philippines in Diliman.
Her interest on ASEAN and Southeast Asian issues began in 2002 during the Southeast Asia People's Festival in Phnom Penh, Cambodia where she co-facilitated a workshop with grassroots communities.
While working in the academe, she still joins social movements in the Philippines and in Southeast Asia. She has lived and worked with Metro Manila urban poor communities as well as indigenous peoples in Mindanao, where she practiced participatory development planning, and action research.
She has conducted field research in many parts of Southeast Asia, including the borderland communities. Her fields of interest are globalization, critical agrarian studies, resistance and solidarity, radical political geography, gender and development. Many of her papers were published by UP CIDS while some of her recent essays appeared in the websites: Global Tapestry of Alternatives, and Governance in Conflict Network.
From Land Occupations Towards Permanent Settlements, a Case of the Serikat Petani Pasundan in West-Java, Indonesia
This study attempts to contribute towards enriching the iteration of public authority to a more inclusive manner that also emphasizes the peasant class as a political force.
Current research projects:
From Land Occupations Towards Permanent Settlements, a Case of the Serikat Petani Pasundan in West-Java, Indonesia
This study attempts to contribute towards enriching the iteration of public authority to a more inclusive manner that also emphasizes the peasant class as a political force.