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DR Congo
New Report: Pursuing an integrated approach to TJ and DDR in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
The DR Congo has a long history of engagement in both disarmamement, demobilization and reintegrationand ( DDR) and Transitiona Justice (TJ) processes in an effort to resolve the armed conflicts and combat impunity for human rights violations but, until recently, little effort was made to build bridges between both.
New article: Rural Radicalisms and the Politics of Order: Authority, Precarity, and Globality in Africa
This special issue traces new forms and practices of rural radicalism.
New Book Chapter Publication: “Democratic Republic of the Congo” in Africa Yearbook Vol. 20
Two dynamics dominated the political and social context in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. One was the electoral process, and the second dynamic was the further intensification of the conflict with the Rwandan-backed M23 in North Kivu Province.
BOOK REVIEW by Christoph Vogel
Disrupted Development in the Congo: The Fragile Foundations of the African Mining Consensus. Author: Ben Radley Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023, 224 pp., ISBN: 9780192849052 (hardback); ISBN: 9780191944321 (e-book)
New media contribution: Retrait de la Monusco de RDC
Interview for rfi on the gradual withdrawal of the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Monusco.
New media contribution: L’accord UE-Rwanda: Regards croisés sur les enjeux régionaux et internationaux
Interview for Actualite.cd on the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the European Union and Rwanda on sustainable value chains for raw materials.
New Publication: Collaborative Research: Perspectives on North–South Collaborative Conflict Research: A Conversation between Two Research Partners
This contribution is a dialogue between two Conflict Studies academics, who have both invested in close research collaboration.
New Publication: Contested ‘commune rurales’: Decentralisation and the (violent) struggle for public authority in the Democratic Republic of Congo
This article explores how decentralisation policy and specifically the establishment of communes rurales in DR Congo turned into a profoundly destabilising juncture, shaking existing governance arrangements
The Social Anthropology of Security Practices in areas affected by recurring conflicts in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (Uvira, Fizi, Mwenga, and Djugu territories)
This project investigates the socialization processes that (re-)configure (violent) security practices occurring in the civil wars of Central Africa.
Gender, Climate Change and Conflict in practice: Adaptation, Resilience and Sustainable Peace in the Africa Great Lakes Region
This project aims to map and examine how local communities in general, and women’s movements in particular, adapt and remain resilient in settings where climate change is exacerbating protracted conflict.