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Populism in the era of soundbite politics: A conversation with Journalists and Researchers from Southern and Eastern Africa as well as South and South-East Asia
Populism is a global phenomenon, yet it takes distinct local and regional shapes. Often conceptualized as a discursive style (cf. Laclau 2005), populism has increasingly been analysed through its socio-cultural performative elements (i.e., Ostiguy, Panizza and Moffit 2021)
The political economy of river sand mining in South Asia: A commodity chain approach
South Asia's riverbeds are a primary site of conflict between the need for development and environmental protection.
Lalaw ha mga buntod (sacred mountains)
Navigating autonomy and forest conservation in two Philippine contested frontiers
The political economy and governance of river sand commodity chains in Ethiopia
This research, outreach and networking project aims to better understand the political economy and governance of river sand commodity chains in Ethiopia to put the topic on the agenda of policy makers and civil society in Ethiopia.
Rights2LIFE: Towards a Responsive Criminal Justice System in the Philippines
Through research and education, this project aims to test the viability and further enforcement of a Responsive Criminal Justice in the Philippines.
Social resilience after sexual violence in Eastern DR Congo: from decay over reparations to accountable governance
Eastern DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo) has known over three decades of war and violence in which the population in general and women in particular became victimized in a situation of state and societal decay.
Rebels in Space
The study of violent conflict in the post-colonial world has burgeoned in recent decades and finds increasing interdisciplinary traction. This triggered new literature conceptualising contemporary conflict and focusing on an array of case studies and themes.
Promotion of Peace and Stability in Eastern DRC (Pro Paix II)
This project seeks to inform policy about security conditions and opportunities for programming through independent, regular and field-driven analysis in areas and topics of concern in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
Populism in conflict
Populism has become a buzzword in popular and media discourses in recent years. Academic debates on the concept of populism—what it is and is not, where to look for it, and its normative prescription—have been highly contested.
The politics of time at the ASM-LSM interface in south-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
This project investigates how the politics of time shapes the interaction between ASM (artisanal and small-scale mining) and LSM (large-scale mining) actors in places where the two forms of mining co-occur.