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Relief aid in the context of the Ukraine war(s): towards a redefinition of the humanitarian (space)?
Warfare and the nature of conflict have substantially changed over the last 40 years. Yet, the procedures and content of peace agreements have not evolved with this change.
Mining ecology, early urbanism and environmental knowledge in Katanga: a deep-time interdisciplinary approach
Through an interdisciplinary approach involving political anthropology, oral history, environmental archaeology and historical linguistics, this project aspires to transform our understanding of the deep-time interactions between artisanal mining ecology, early urbanism, and indigenous ecological knowledge in the southeastern DRC.
Analyzing conflict mobilities from Uganda’s Nakivale Refugee Settlement
This research project examines to which extent conflict dynamics and refugee policy structures have an impact on broader mobility patterns and dynamics in the war-torn Central-East African region.
The Spectre of Political Induced Mobility in Kenya
This research project aims to explore how historical land grievances and post-colonial structures have contributed to political induced violence that has led to different categories of im/mobilities.
What does peace have to do with it? Examining the creation and operationalisation of peace arrangements and their actors in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
Warfare and the nature of conflict have substantially changed over the last 40 years. Yet, the procedures and content of peace agreements have not evolved with this change.
Violent collective actions and the ‘democratic transition’ in Ethiopia
Ethiopia has remained in turmoil since its recent transition that begun in 2018.
Utafiti ya Amani
Security dynamics in the eastern Congo are shifting rapidly. In April 2021, a new government was sworn in with a program that outlines its priorities for peacebuilding in the eastern Congo.
Understanding urban protest in a context of war: an ethnographic analysis of ‘urban political terrains’ in eastern DRC
This PhD project looks at the nexus of violence, conflict, and urban protest in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
The politics of Hidden Urbanisation in the D.R. Congo
This project sets out to investigate ‘hidden’ forms of urbanity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in order to achieve a better understanding of the profoundly political character of rapid urbanisation in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The making of youth in violent conflict
Youths position themselves at the forefront of contemporary violent conflicts worldwide. While violent conflict has often been used as a synonym for (civil) war, for this special issue, we define it more broadly as conflict that involves (groups of) people resorting to violent action and physical violence against others.