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Mining ecology, early urbanism and environmental knowledge in Katanga: a deep-time interdisciplinary approach
Through an interdisciplinary approach involving political anthropology, oral history, environmental archaeology and historical linguistics, this project aspires to transform our understanding of the deep-time interactions between artisanal mining ecology, early urbanism, and indigenous ecological knowledge in the southeastern DRC.
Understanding urban protest in a context of war: an ethnographic analysis of ‘urban political terrains’ in eastern DRC
This PhD project looks at the nexus of violence, conflict, and urban protest in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
The politics of Hidden Urbanisation in the D.R. Congo
This project sets out to investigate ‘hidden’ forms of urbanity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in order to achieve a better understanding of the profoundly political character of rapid urbanisation in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Urban youth gangs in Goma and Kisangani (DRCongo): the role of violence in subject formation
Globally violent conflict is becoming increasingly urban.
The Dynamics of Urbanisation and Ethnic Contestations in Peri-urban Areas of Ethiopia: Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa cities in Focus
With experiences of ethnographic fieldwork, this Ph.D. research project unearths the dialectics of urbanisation and ethnic contestations in peri-urban areas of Ethiopia by focusing on Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa cities.