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New Publication: Collaborative Research: Perspectives on North–South Collaborative Conflict Research: A Conversation between Two Research Partners
This contribution is a dialogue between two Conflict Studies academics, who have both invested in close research collaboration.
New Publication: Contested ‘commune rurales’: Decentralisation and the (violent) struggle for public authority in the Democratic Republic of Congo
This article explores how decentralisation policy and specifically the establishment of communes rurales in DR Congo turned into a profoundly destabilising juncture, shaking existing governance arrangements
New Publication: The Congolese Elections and International Observers
As Congo prepares for elections, international observers express concerns over the electoral process. However, a closer look reveals a shift in dynamics, with the absence of external control and funding for the first time in the country's history.
New Publication: Searching for a Global Solidarity: A Collective Auto-Ethnography of Early-Career Women Researchers in the Asia-Pacific
This forum critically reflects on discrimination faced by early-career women international relations (IR) scholars in the Asia-Pacific region in their workplaces and beyond.
New Publication: The Politics of Mourning in Conservation Conflicts
This paper introduces a political ecology of vernacular memory to discuss the Basongora people's vernacular memories of their historical dispossession to create the Queen Elizabeth National Park (QENP) in Uganda.
New podcast: The humanness of humanity has a history
In the 9th episode of PUAN podcast, co-host Saumya Pandey interviews anthropologist Mark Goodale on the history of human rights.
New Publication: Ethnic Violence in Sri Lanka: Politics of Sinhala-Tamil Tensions
Co-authored by Amit Ranjan, this chapter looks at claims to genocide in the context of the civil war between the LTTE and the Sri Lankan government.
New Special Issue in Territory, Politics, Governance: Transnational Assemblages and Security Knowledges.
This Special Issue focuses on the notion of transnational security assemblages as central to understanding multiscalar processes of security knowledge production.
New media contribution: Climate Change and false hope (Kathmandu Post)
Narrowing climate change to hope leads to the denial of the sickening and sinking emotions that the landscapes are already experiencing.
New Publication: The Geopolitics of Green Colonialism Global Justice and Ecosocial Transitions
This upcoming book, co-edited by CRG's Mary Ann Manahan, provides a platform for the voices that have been conspicuously absent in debates around energy and climate in the Global North.