Jolien Tegenbos

Jolien studies the role of refugees camps in conflict mobilities in Central-East Africa. Starting from Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Uganda, she explores how conflict dynamics and refugee policy structures (such as camps, mobile statuses, refugee rights, etc.) have an impact on broader regional and international mobility dynamics. She is further interested in refugee histories, the impact of research on refugee camps, and the permanence of the temporary.

Analyzing conflict mobilities from Uganda’s Nakivale Refugee Settlement

This research project examines to which extent conflict dynamics and refugee policy structures have an impact on broader mobility patterns and dynamics in the war-torn Central-East African region.

Current research projects:

Analyzing conflict mobilities from Uganda’s Nakivale Refugee Settlement

This research project examines to which extent conflict dynamics and refugee policy structures have an impact on broader mobility patterns and dynamics in the war-torn Central-East African region.
